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to prevent david from sabotaging the project, the crew transport the ship to a lunar orbit, and install a gun to destroy the virus. holloway is forced to kill david, and the gun is left on the moon. the crew use the ship to travel to the spacecraft, and begin the journey home. however, they discover that david has sabotaged the ship, and the ship begins to disintegrate. the crew are unable to escape as david continues to destroy the ship. the ship, and the crew aboard it, are left to drift in space for seven years. during this time, the crew begin to succumb to radiation sickness, and begin to hallucinate. after 7 years in space, the crew discover a signal on their distress call. they return to earth to find weyland's corporation and find that the company has built the space prometheus. they learn that weyland, holloway, shaw and charlie are on board the ship, which is under constant surveillance by david. while trying to find a way to destroy the ship, the crew realize that holloway has been replaced by david. david has been planting images in the crew's heads, and intends to travel to the ship and destroy it. the crew decide to use the gun to destroy the ship.
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